Intake of Secondary 1

Okay this will be a short post! thank you brian for making such cool cheer, thank you julian for the wonderful Design! thank you Karl and santhosh for making the proposal!

So in preparation for next week training on THURSDAY , We will be doing several things.. Dates of preparation are not confirm yet..

a list of things to be done and who is in-charge of

Gifts- Karl and Santhosh
Speech- Nathan Chiang
Presentation - Julian and Brian

would like the speech to be given to julian and brian early so they can rehearse it.. For the gifts if any material is required inform me early..
Those People who still owes me stuff.........

Ian- Patrol schedule
semester Schedule

Julian- Patrol T-shirt design

Karl- Semester schedule ( get it back from rovik)

For ian he have to hand it up asap...
For julian he can hand up whenever he wants...
For Karl asap...

From now on system of our patrol is like these... we will try not to do skills during training... cause its very boring... if you have any questions you can call me or ian to come down on a day to help you guys up... In seahorse patrol we would like you guys to speak up which means if you are unhappy of anything or have any ideas on improving the patrol please tell us... We would like everyone to take initiative and show some enthusiasm in the patrol eg. Learning skills by yourself and asking if your unsure.....

Good news is that ....
- Our patrol is the top 4 patrols from mr kwang list... known as a stable patrol with 2 ticks.

- Karl , Nathan , Julian and santhosh names are currently in AP... PROPS to them..

- Mr kwang may let us choose our patrol members YEAAA


Next week training will be on THURSDAY... Pe Attire... learn the cheers asap we will practice... Advanced knots test.... if your unsure of anything ask me... report whether your coming down anot on Monday cause Ge wei wants attendance on monday...
Stay safe and Have fun for this week! PEACE


Seahorse Cam

Blog Archive

Seahorses so far..

PL Karl Chan
APL David Ondang
Secretary Nathan Chiang
TL V Santhosh

PL Matthias Fong
APL Ian Lim

PL Tran Minh Tri
APl Marcus Chan

SPL Arthur Khoo
APL Yong Jun
QM Fabian Koh

PL Ashley
APL Jonathan
TL Ryan Ng Shih Hoong

PL Chia Kai Chung
APL Goh Bing Xing
TL Daniel Toh

PL Kwan Fey Mun
APL Daniel Toh

PL Mohd. Faris
APL Jonathan Chee

PL Tan Yusheng
APL Irving Seah Wee Loong



Unite Against Bullying